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Streaming services and cloud-based apps

How 2 critical digital tools are changing inflight Wi-Fi

At Gogo, we’re constantly watching inflight connectivity trends. Our insights are showing a significant increase in data usage on board – roughly 38% annually, which is on par with rapid data consumption growth on the ground. But what’s driving the growth during flight? What are people on board doing with Wi-Fi that is demanding so much more from their connectivity systems and networks?

On closer inspection, we found an interesting reality: that both streaming and cloud-based applications and services are where data usage is increasing the most month by month. Consider these stats and then let’s take a closer look:

  1. There are an average of 9 devices per flight, an 80% increase from 2015.
  2. Per flight, data usage has tripled from 100MB in 2014 to 300MB today.
  3. From 2017 to 2021, streaming data on an AVANCE L5 aircraft has increased nearly 5x.

Streaming is now how bizav passengers view their world during flight.

Emails, phone calls, texts, and social media notifications all need tending to in our increasingly hyper-connected world. However, streaming is leading an undeniable rise in the demand for “real-time” interactions during flight – for all ages of bizav passengers.

Increasingly, corporate flight departments and charter operators are serving travelers who are younger and fully adept at using streaming and online tools like Netflix, YouTube, FaceTime, Microsoft Teams, Zoom etc. For most of these new bizav users, streaming is as second-nature as texting and social media. Streaming also enables the flexible and remote work structures that are desired by the new generation of leaders and executives.

But COVID-19 also forced a change with more traditional executive travelers. Because of social distancing, safety precautions and changing workforce communication methods, these professionals have had to quickly pivot and learn how to leverage these online tools -- so they can continue to effectively run their businesses.

But streaming isn’t all work related. It’s how people unwind and stay in touch as well.

Streaming services on private aircrafts give passengers the luxury to do everything from binge on favorite shows, watch news and sports, and even check in with family. After all, one of the key reasons people use business aircraft is so they can be efficient with their time: because that improves their quality of life.

Did you know that you can already do all of this with Gogo AVANCE L5

Cloud-based apps are critical to executive productivity.

Not that long ago, business aviation travelers had to download large files prior to embarking on their journey. Why? Because most applications and programs stored data on your laptop or device. No more. With many of the apps on the devices today’s passengers carry (smartphones, tablets and laptops), the data processing happens on a remote server base and the app’s data is stored on the cloud infrastructure.

Cloud service providers like Google, Apple, Microsoft, Salesforce, Amazon Web Services, Slack, etc. have given rise to on-demand productivity services. They have made life easier for users and made devices smaller and faster, but those services require a high-speed, low latency, and stable internet connection like the one Gogo AVANCE L5 delivers.

It’s no wonder, then, that Gogo’s customer insights show a consistent growth in cloud app data and overall data usage – across the entire spectrum of aircraft sizes and passenger loads.

AVANCE L5: the connectivity platform that gives you what you need now, plus prepares you for what you’ll need next.

Streaming services and cloud-based apps are a proven necessity for business aviation passengers. As connectivity systems and networks quickly evolve, cutting-edge business aviation operators are looking to streaming- and cloud-capable systems such as AVANCE L5 as a way to boost the overall customer experience. It’s one of the reasons why AVANCE L5 is now installed on more than 2,000 aircraft and has become the fastest-adopted inflight connectivity and entertainment solution in bizav history.

Find out more about AVANCE L5, including how it delivers the digital experiences you want now, and gets you ready for Gogo 5G (and more) in the future.

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