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Passenger Connectivity Resource (PCR)

Whether you’re a pilot, a first officer, a flight director, or attendant, you are the first line of support for passengers who use Gogo services to get online. With the training and resources provided here, you’ll learn about your role as a Passenger Connectivity Resource, or PCR, and gain a better understanding of the Gogo inflight entertainment and connectivity (IFEC) experience through all phases of flight.

Gogo DASH visibility and monitoring toolkit

Gogo DASH gives your inflight personnel and on-the-ground operations and support teams the ability to see what's happening with your entire Gogo connectivity experience.

  • The DASH mobile app lets inflight personnel quickly check the health status of all Gogo services and systems on board.
  • DASH enables ground-based operations and support teams to monitor critical information on Gogo connectivity performance, bandwidth and device use, network health, and available services.
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Resources and learning materials

Want better in-cabin Wi-Fi performance?

Discover six simple tips you can use today to take your inflight internet from good to great. A few key ideas can help you improve the airborne internet experience for all on board. You can either watch the 15-min recorded webinar or read the blog post for your tips.

Technical training

Our carefully designed training programs were created to meet the specific needs of the work you need to perform. Our programs combine eLearning to cover foundational knowledge, hands-on instructor-led training, and a rich collection of guides, manuals, and other digital references to ensure you have what you need, when you need it. Trainings offered include:

  • Dealer Orientation Training
  • Master Technician and Installer Course
  • Custom Training
  • On-Demand Training
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Information to help you manage your connectivity